
Hasselmann Oswald, Dr. med., St. Gallen, President
Porz Rouven, Prof. Dr. phil., Bern, Vice-President
Karzig-Roduner Isabelle, Pflegefachfrau, MAE, Zürich, Vice-President

Ackermann Sibylle, lic. theol. Dipl.-Biol, Bern (Member Committee)
Elger Bernice, Prof. Dr. med., Basel
Hurst Samia, Prof. Dr. med., Genève (Member Committee)
Jox Ralf, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil., Lausanne
Krones Tanja, Prof. Dr. med. Dipl. soz., Zürich (Cashier, Member Committee)
Monteverde Settimio, PhD, Prof. (FH), Zürich and Bern
Pezzoli Valdo, Dr. med., MSc, Lugano
Seiler Annina, PD Dr. phil., Zürich
Streuli Jürg C., Dr. med., Zürich

Advisory Board

Bally Klaus, PD Dr. med., Basel
Biller-Andorno Nikola, Prof. Dr. med., Dr. phil., Zürich
Büchler Andrea , Prof. Dr., President of the National Ethics Committee for Human Medicine NEK
Bondolfi Alberto, Prof. Dr. theol., Genève – Zürich
Coors Michael, Prof. Dr. theol., Zürich
Coppex-Gasche Pia, inf., M.A. éthique appliquée, Choëx
Driessen Susanne, Dr. med., President swissethics
Filipovic Mio, Prof. Dr. med., St. Gallen
Kind Christian, Prof. Dr. med., Former President CCE, St. Gallen
King Martina, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil., Fribourg
Lesch Walter, Prof. Dr. phil., Professeur ordinaire d'éthique, UCL Université catholique de Louvain
Mäder Mark, Dr. med, Interlaken
Müller Jürg, Dr. iur., Advokat, Basel
Romagnoli Simone, Dr. phil., Genève
Schwab Ketsia, Pflegeexpertin, Bern
Schwab Marcos, Dr. med, Nyon
Strub Jean-Daniel, Dr. theol., Zürich
Weidmann-Hügle Tatjana, M.Sc., M.A., Liestal
Wenger Alexandre, Prof. Dr. phil., Universités de Genève
Zimmermann Markus, Prof. Dr. theol., Universität Fribourg